HomeAid Northern Virginia’s Delivered over 91,000 Diapers and 57,000 Wipes to 22 Local Non-profits
On June 24th, members of HomeAid Northern Virginia’s Board of Directors brought comfort and joy to Virginia’s tiniest residents when they delivered over 91,000 diapers and 57,000 wipes to 22 local non-profit organizations. The cost of disposable diapers is nearly $1,000 a year per child, which is a considerable expense for families already struggling to make ends meet. It can mean the difference between parents trying to stretch supplies by leaving diapers on their babies too long or reusing diapers, leading to painful diaper rash and discomfort. This type of donation is critical because diapers and wipes cannot be purchased using Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Women, Infants and Children (WIC). Diapers can be bought with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) however, the funds are typically insufficient to buy diapers and pay other expenses.
All of the recipient organizations serve families and single mothers with young children. The donations were part of HomeAid’s Annual Builders for Babies Collection Drive, where over 20 different companies collected diapers to be distributed.