It's time to step up for our Greater Washington Business Community!

Our members' generosity demonstrates how extraordinary strength and kindness build a business community.  Below we turn our attention to our members who have recently lent a hand to those in need. In these stories, you'll find but a few of our members' inspirational efforts demonstrating, once again, why ours is the greatest business community. Our members know that by working together, our community will thrive for many years to come.
Do you have a business you'd like listed? Click here.
Read Stories of Members Stepping Up

Order take-out now or purchase gift cards for future client gifts, employee rewards, or to enjoy yourself! Click on the links below to directly connect with your fellow member businesses:


Best Buns - Tysons - Boxed lunches delivered to Tysons-area businesses
Glory Days Grill Daily specials.
Urban Plates Gift cards

public-facing services

Employment Enterprises Inc. - Offering a complimentary recruitment strategy for the recovery period.
TRAINING SOLUTIONS, Inc. - Offering over 300 online training programs that we can deliver to employees anytime starting at $29 per course.
Uber - Offering food deliveries to health care workers and people in need, free of charge.